25 March 2012

Aruna's Birth Poem (Hypnobirth)

Today is Aruna's 3-month birthday.  With this lovely spring sunshine warming the cockles of our souls, Christmas already seems like a long time ago.  I want to celebrate again with a little poem for Aruna.  It's taken me a while to complete it, but today seems appropriate.


The dark winter night slowly passes
Though rest, for me, is fleeting
Many months I have come to know you
Now I yearn for our first meeting

It is Christmas and our house is peaceful
Gifts are prepared for tomorrow
Gently I waken my beloved
To get ready for what will soon follow

We begin to prepare everything carefully
While inside my womb ripens and tenses
Colours sparkle before my eyes
A myriad of stars penetrates my senses

Phone calls are made and candles are lit
The room feels safe and welcoming
Fragrant with lilies and lavender oil
A place where all things end and begin

A gentle hand strokes my back
Though I am not afraid
Only filled with wonder
That we finally enact our plans long made

Warm water envelopes my body
My birth paradise fills my mind
I am transported to a place deep within
Angel's wings leave what is old far behind:

Fresh verdant hues, bright, a beautiful sunlit valley
A soft winding path leading up,
I walk to the end of the rainbow, and find my tranquil pool
Dappled, clear, an overflowing cup
In the water, my wings set aside, only one thing left to do
Concentrate. The moment is due.

The pinnacle of my womanhood is fulfilled
As the waves of the swell surge over me
A journey of love just beginning
A tiny new life, a spirit set free

In that moment you were born
I looked upon you and loved you
Aruna. My beautiful child
Our blessing this Christmas dawn

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