7 March 2013

Inspired by Poo

I would not have imagined writing a post about stepping in dog poo, but this is it.  William and I walked over to a friend's house this afternoon and had to do a fair amount of dog poo dodging along the way.  Unfortunately, he stepped in some and then expressed an interest in writing to the City Council to see if anything could be done about the problem.  Not wishing to stifle this impromptu interest in putting pen (or pencil) to paper, I sat with him to assist with spelling, aside from which, the following letter is entirely his own. 

It reads: 
“Dear Council, Please clean up the dog poo soon. Whitlock Family.”

Home schooling is full of surprises.  We are pretty much unschooling, so when my old schooled self starts having niggling doubts (usually when I'm feeling tired), William just does something that, frankly, amazes me.  Every child has their strengths and interests, and William's have become so much more apparent to me with my close observation over the past couple of months.  Writing letters, until recently, has not been one of them.  So, this one, although it is about poo, I will treasure.  (...a copy of... I am posting it tomorrow!)