13 July 2012

Cute Crafts and Humble Repairs

I've recently been learning to crochet and I have to say - I LOVE IT!  I am now having visions of myself beavering away with balls of yarn for hours on end over years to come.  Well, maybe more like snatching a few minutes here and there until the children leave home.

I happen to have a soft spot for baby legwarmers and they are so useful for keeping baby warm on colder days in the sling. I found a simple pattern on the web here and made up a pair for Aruna in baby alpaca with the addition of an extra cuff at the bottom.


Make Do and Mend

My mum was visiting recently, and since we are both lovers of needlecraft, we were hatching a plan to go to the big sale at the local haberdashery which started at 6 pm on a Wednesday.  Now 6 pm in our house is crazy time.  We all sit down to dinner, then it's bathtime for the children, baby massage, storytime, bedtime, sigh, flop, zzzzzz.  Ok, sometimes I try to stay awake!  Aruna is 6 months old now.  As such, she sleeps a little loner at night, and occasionally I dare to catch up on a few jobs after she's tucked up in bed.  So, as it happened, the children were in bed in good time, and I had my first 'night out'!  To the sale at the haberdashery.  In my t-shirt with food wiped on the shoulder.  Not stopping to look twice in the mirror, mum and I jumped in the car and sped off to the store, only a few minutes away.  We were only gone for an hour, during which Raj was under strict instructions to keep a close watch on Aruna, and it was very strange leaving her, but I had a wonderful time, and spent too much money.  It was too good to miss though, and I got quite a lot of gorgeous yarn and some lovely print cotton fabrics to satisfy all the ideas that keep bubbling up in my head. 

The first of which was a humble repair of an old favourite cardigan.  I wonder how many people would bother to mend a holey cardigan nowadays...  It is cashmere though, so it was worth it.  The elbows were worn through, so I had taken to wearing it with the sleeves rolled up.  The pictures below don't really do the colour much justice, but I am now happy to say the cardigan is, once again, in regular use.  I just have to find that missing button next....

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