I absolutely LOVE charity shopping. Where we live in Liverpool is well-furnished for charity shops, there being 3 around the corner on the main road where our local shops are, and in Old Swan, a short bus ride less than 2 miles away, a further half dozen or more. You never know what you might find; some days nothing, and others, just the thing you have been looking for. One thing I can count on in Liverpool though, is a plentiful supply of baby clothes, however. Of course, I kept all of William's baby clothes, since we didn't know we were having a girl, thinking I would get lots more use out of them. Not being one for excessive frills or everything in pink, this would not seem unreasonable, as quite a few were 'unisex' colours. However, Aruna has awoken in me a newfound love of pink, that was completely unexpected. She does look particularly pretty in pink. Perhaps because she is a girl, something deep-rooted in my social subconscience is saying she is more feminine, therefore more delicate, therefore worthy of things with flowers on or a bow or two here and there. I need to mull that one over, so I will leave it for further exploration some other time.
I have received several gifts of clothes from friends and family for her, although by no means everything that is necessary, some are just lovely. However, inevitably some are not to my taste, or simply for the above reasons, just don't seem right for her, or aren't practical for her to wear while wrapped up in the sling, where she spends most of the day. So, I've had lots of fun rummaging in the charity shops twice in the last week to give me some alternatives. Almost everything has hardly or even never been worn, as I suppose they are when for a newborn. Some are only supermarket brands which I would normally tend to avoid buying new because of dubious production ethics, however I feel that buying them from charity seems to cancel this out somewhat.
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