In the last year or so, after the major demands of breastfeeding William had waned to a minimum, I found my cravings for sweet things had taken a welcome dramatic downturn, probably for the first time I can remember. However, the growing baby is driving me to distraction now with cravings for the most inappropriate foods. Every day I find myself eating the trashiest sweet food (ie sweets, chocolate, fizzy drinks, and then not-so-trashy ice cream) and lamenting not only the nutrition for the baby and myself but the state of my teeth, which I diligently clean, floss, bathe in mouthwash etc. Sadly, I fully expect this trend to continue well into the first year of the baby's life when we hit the ground running with breastfeeding, not to mention, having eyes in the back of my head with a 4 year-old around to care for. (It is quite tough dying to eat something totally naughty when you are trying to set a good example for a young child. And, it won't be long before I have to get craftier with my hiding places.)
I am a slave to my pregnancy! 27 weeks today and I can't imagine the next 10+ weeks. For the most part, the rest of my diet is healthy/fresh/varied, although I must learn to eat more frequent small meals....